“Parkour And Freerunning Handbook” Review (By Dan Edwards) – 2020

By Chris / June 18, 2016

The Parkour And Freerunning Handbook Review

Parkour and freerunning book review

So far, YouTube videos are the go-to place for the newbies to learn tricks and understand the terminologies of the parkour game. These videos are pretty random explaining a thing or two. It leads to disasters and, sometimes, to complete failures. You need, especially if you are a novice, a step by step approach to understanding the requirements to be an exceptional parkour and prevent injuries. The Parkour and Freerunning Handbook By Dan Edwards  resolves the problem and presents a step-by-step blueprint to follow the core practices of the game, nutritional requirement, cloth fittings and further communities. Let’s review the book thoroughly.

The Parkour And Freerunning guide is the authorization of Dan Edwards. He is the co-founder and managing director of Parkour Generation that is a leading free-running organization in Britain. He has sculpted the entire requisites for effective training, fitness, and global city-spaces to apply them in an urban environment for free-running. He also describes how to avoid frequent mistakes and injuries that a parkour has to face in his day to day practice. Our review dictates the book as if hiring a personal parkour trainer.

What The Book Offers?

One can explore the superior techniques for free-running and the way to leap and dive over the obstacles in this fantastic guide. Besides, the guide is beneficial for the fledgling persons who are fervent for running and jumping.

The book provides step-by-step guidance on how to Parkour. It focuses on building the confidence and imagination in the neophyte to become a free-runner. This four-color booklet exemplifies each and everything that a free-runner needs and also expresses about the cultural spirit, ethics, and community of free running.

How The Hand-Book Is Different?

Strength training advice is just a part of the book, Dan goes on overdelivering with his book and explains very clearly the other aspects such as best diet plans and suitable clothing to perform parkour. Moreover, he explains different parkour communities where you can look upon to show your talent or find the like-minded people. You will find:

  • A full explanation of history and philosophy of the sport.
  • Mixed recipe for gaining strength, flexibility, and muscular power.
  • Advanced techniques for gymnastics and martial arts.
  • A comprehensive explanation to withstand Kong vaults and wall hops.


  • Thick Description with detailed images and illustrations.
  • Best practices for running and jumping.
  • A great resource for apprentices.
  • Illustrates finer ways to use urban space environment.
  • Available at an inexpensive price.


  • Improper information about warm up and training drill methods.


  • 144 Pages Paperback book with detailed images and illustrations.
  • Available in the English Language.
  • Published by Dey Street Books.

Who Can Benefit From The Book?

Parkour is a graceful and non-competitive sport which promotes fitness, imagination and health. The game is the sub-total of all the elements such as- running, climbing, jumping along with the grace of the gymnast and martial arts and skills of a skateboarder. It is more than just free-running.

Dan Edwards understood all such crucial factors and designed the book with keeping every level, from beginner to advance, in mind. No matter, what skill level you are at you can benefit from Dan’s advice.


In my views and as a conclusion to this review, I must say that it is the only parkour and free running book that you will ever need. Parkour is a game that is not governed by any particular body. There is only one rule in the game, and that’s there’s no rule. In such a ruleless scenario the book teaches you the terminology and core practices in a strategical manner. Please do not perform random tricks available online or you might injure yourself.

Furthermore, the images in the book leave no confusion at all. You can identify your mistakes right away and mend them with the instructions given in the book. It is like hiring a personal trainer for the rest of your life that teaches you how to play, an otherwise daunting game, in a safe manner. If you are hoping something else to be there, you must be daydreaming. Hope that helped

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